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Never Tickle a Tiger by Pamela Butchart


The author of hit junior fiction The Spy Who Loved School Dinners and My Headteacher is a Vampire Bat now delivers her first picture book.

Izzie is a naughty little girl who just can't stop fussing and playing with things; whether she's at home, school or a friend's party, she's constantly breaking the rules. When she and her classmates go on a school trip to the zoo, there are plenty of rules that must be observed—none more so, her teacher tells her, than 'never tickle a tiger.' Izzie inevitably ignores this rule, setting off a chain reaction that gets her and all the animals into a whole heap of trouble!

This richly illustrated, attention'grabbing book packs a fantastic surprise element. Also look out for Wigglesbottom Primary: The Toilet Ghost, the first in a new series by Butchart aimed at young readers 5+. We have read a preview and, like Never Tickle a Tiger, it's going to be both lovely and very funny!

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